Friday, September 14, 2007

Totoro is staring me down!

Well, one week left to go and I can log onto the orientation site! I have a poster on my wall of Totoro, and he's staring at me out of the shadows as if to say "you are not prepared." It's similar to this picture, but much darker since it's printed on fabric, and I think we can all agree that nobody stares quite like Totoro.

Anyways, the Illusion of Life is finished! I regret my decision not to take notes, but I did most of my reading at a coffee shop with tiny tables that barely accommodated the book+latte, and between a dog, a bag full of dog treats, and the giant heavy book itself I already had enough to lug around.

What a good book though! I know I've already mentioned its awesomeness before, but it really is genuinely interesting, besides being just plain useful. In the words of Ron Burgundy, "Compelling, and rich." It also makes watching the old classics again extremely fascinating, although I probably drive my bf insane since I have something to say about almost every scene and I'm sure don't shut-up as much as I should.

So what next is the question. I guess the Animator's Survival Kit will be my next coffee shop book of choice, but I feel like I really need to start figuring out Maya! Mostly I just plan to panic a lot since at this point there's no time to do much else, so wish me luck! Oh and btw, all you fellow students I meet are really not helping the situation in the the least since you ALL seem to have experience! What's up with that? Where are all the inexperienced people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...